Thursday, September 12, 2013

Week Two

I'm almost done with my second week here in Salamanca! Wow, it's going by pretty fast. I'm surprisingly busy, though the classes are really not that hard (knock on wood). Yesterday, our assistant program directors Carlos and Sarah took us of a tour of the old and new cathedrals in Salamanca. The cathedrals are connected, but during the early 1500s, the old cathedral was expanded and addition was dubbed "the new cathedral".

Here's a picture of the new cathedral from the outside. It's one of the most prominent buildings in Salamanca, and when you cross the river, you can see it clearly in the skyline. It's huge!

It was a little creepy to walk around the cathedrals because we quickly realized that we were walking on and around tombs. The top photo shows all the tombs on the ground and the bottom photo are the nicer tombs reserved for more important burials.

A view of the top of the cathedral from inside!

I made everyone take a group photo after the tour... Carlos, one of our program directors, is the bald man in the back on the left side.

I'm really enjoying my time here! There have been concerts and events happening all week because this is Salamanca's fiesta and feria (festival) week. Along all the roads, bars and restaurants have set up little stands, kind of like food trucks, called "casetas" where you can get a little drink and a sample tapa for 2 euros. They're really crowded after siesta when everyone comes out for their pre dinner tapa snack.

I'm still adjusting to the culture here. The other day, my friends and I were in a pub around 11:30 pm, and there was a four year old child just dancing by the bar! It was really funny because she was really into the music, but I was so surprised that people had their kids out that late at a pub! I see babies at all times of the day just being pushed around, though, so I guess here it's normal.

I've found a really nice running path! It's alongside the river, El Rio Tormes. Here's a photo from the path: 

The weather is absolutely perfect! It's getting colder, but I am so happy it's not humid. The sun is really hot, but luckily we siesta during that time. Last week, I went with some friends out to dinner before one of the free concerts, and the sun was setting beautifully on the Plaza Mayor. I feel so lucky to be here! Even though I didn't do much today, I feel like I've been making the most of my trip so far. Tomorrow we're going to a bull fight... I'll post my opinion on that in my next post. Hasta luego!

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