Monday, September 2, 2013

Bienvenidos a España!

Hola! It's Monday in Spain, and although it's my first post, it's already my third day here! Nothing too exciting has happened, but Salamanca is beautiful! I've never seen anything like the buildings before; they are so old, and all of them are the same color of stone, which is a bit confusing. I really need to get used to the eating patterns here... Breakfast is so small, lunch doesn't start till 2 in the afternoon, and dinner is at 9! I'm constantly hungry, so I think I'm going to invest in some granola bars to tide me over between meals. Or get tapas every night! The food, though, is so good. My host mom can really cook! I also have a really nice bedroom, which I'm so happy about, and even though there's no air conditioning, it's pretty comfortable at night. However, it's so noisy! People really don't sleep here. There were people chatting and laughing outside my window at three in the morning! On a Sunday! Anyways, today we took a placement exam, and we find out the results tonight. Classes start tomorrow! Only one class for the whole month of September, which is nice, but it's three hours a day! I'm hoping there will be some breaks during the class. I'm having lunch with my host family soon, and I can't wait because I'm starving. Also, lunch means a nap afterward, and that always sounds nice. Entonces, hasta luego!

Para practicar mi español y por mi mama, voy a escribir un poco en español también. Hola! Salamanca es muy bonita y es muy fácil para camina a mis clases desde mi casa. Me gusta mucho el tiempo porque no es húmedo! Esto es más bueno que Atlanta. La comida es bien también, pero tengo hambre siempre porque hay muchas horas entre las comidas. Entonces, necesito comprar algo de comida para tener cuando tengo hombre. Me encanta que tenemos una siesta durante el día; estoy aún "jet lagged" entonces tengo sueño durante tiempos diferentes, y las siestas me ayudan. Vale, aquí son algunos de mis fotos.

Erica and me drinking sangria on our first night in Madrid

My bedroom in Salamanca

Emory in Salamanca!

The Plaza Major during the evening in Salamanca

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